Alexa’s APCSP Work

This is all of my APCSP work so far. Enjoy!

Trimester Week Project
1 0 My First Jupyter Notebook.
1 0 My First Markdown Post.
1 1 My Quiz.
1 1 Tool Check.
1 2 Changed Theme.
1 2 Lists, Dictionaries, Iteration.
1 3 My Javascript Quiz
1 3 My Bog About My Quiz
1 4 Collaboration Notes
1 4 Python Web Server Project (video)
1 4 My Group’s Collaboration
1 5 Our Scrum Process
1 5 Submenu with JS Table
1 5 Final Project Planning
1 6 Project Wire Frame/UML
1 6 College Board Video Notes
1 7 API Page with Sumbmenu
1 7 Error Testing and Challenge
1 7 My Group’s API
1 7 College Board 1.4 Notes
1 7 Our Project’s College Board Criteria
1 8 College Board Videos and Notes 4.1
1 8 Identifying and Correcting Errors Challenge
1 8 Spell Check API
1 8/9 Our Group’s Deployed Flask Site
1 9 Project Week One Video Planning
1 9 Our Stock API
1 9 Project Week One Video
1 9 Blog About our API
1 10 Our Group’s Plan for our Final Project
1 11 My Group’s Final Project
1 12 Collegeboard Final and NATM
2 13 Binary Math
2 14-16 Student Lessons
2 17 Scoring Previous CollegeBoard Submissions
2 17 Customized Mort’s Family Reunion Page
2 18 Object Oriented Programming (backend) hack
2 18 Project Planning (frontend to backend)
2 19 Project Database Video
2 19 Project API Video
2 20 CollegeBoard MCQ #2 Reflection
2 20 Team Baddies Project Approval Presentation
2 20 My Role in the Group Project
2 20 5.1 and 5.2 Lecture Notes
2 21 5.3 and 5.4 Lecture Notes
2 22 5.5 and 5.6 Lecture Notes
2 22 N@TM Blog
2 22 CPT Write-Up
2 23 MCQ3 Reflection
3 25 2.2 Data Compressions/Images
3 25 2.3 Extracting Information from Data/Pandas
3 25 Collegeboard 2.2/2.3 Quizes Reflection
3 26 Unit 2.4 a Notebook (my own database with CRUD)
3 26 Unit 2.4 b Notebook
3 26 Debugging example for 2.4 database
3 27 Final CPT Plan
3 27 Big Idea 2 Quiz Reflection
3 27 Data Structures: Time and Space Complexity
3 28 Project Progress
3 28 Parallel Computing
3 28 Hashmaps
3 28 MCQ4 Reflection
3 28 CSUSM Blog
3 29 MCQ 5 (2018 Practice MCQ Exam)
3 29 Computers and Networks
3 30/31 Student Lesson Hacks
3 31 My Group’s Lesson Grading
3 32 2021 Practice AP MCQ Reflection
3 33 Passion Project Plan
3 33+ Progress Tracking Issue
3 34 Sorting Lecture/Hacks
3 34 Animation Lecture/Hacks
3 36 Our Final Project
3 36 My CSP Reflection