Making my own Database with CRUD

My database is a shopping list. Users can create, read, update, and delete items from their list, making it convenient to shop and to stay organized.

  • My createitem() function (as a part of the menu) - createitem

  • Step into the function while debugging - first step in function is to type in the item you want to create, in this example, I am creating the item “Mango” Mangocreateitem

  • The debugger shows every step that the function goes through. - This function creates the object and then defines its attributes. The attributes are displayed on the left, which in this case are “Mango”, “2”, and “Sprouts” inputcreateitem

  • The menu then displays the created item itemcreated

  • Finally, the newly created item appears in the database. MangoinTable

- The other CRUD functions incorporated work in a similar way. When I use the debugger, I can see every step that the function goes through, as well as its result. I think it is so interesting to see how every function is called within the menu and the program then goes to the function and performs it line by line.