Using Programs with Data Quiz

Score: 6/6

Using Programs Quiz

Data Compression Quiz

Score: 2/3

Data Compression Quiz


Q 1

  • I think I wronly assumed when I read this question. It was the first question of the quiz, and I think I read it too quickly and didn’t fully pay attention to detail. I didn’t realize that my answer was refering to security, and not the loss of data during compression.

Extracting Information from Data Quiz

Score: 6/6

Extracting Information from Data Quiz

Binary Numbers Quiz

Score: 6/6

Binary Numbers Quiz

  • Overall, I think I have learned a lot about these topics. There were definitely a few questions that stumped me and I had to ask the people in my team. However, I generally feel pretty confident in these topics and like I could be much better/more efficient if I were to take the quizes again.