Planning Stage

This stage really helped me to stay organized. Also, I can measure my progress since I started this project.


  • Which Carlson twin is better? (put image of Ava and Alexa as buttons)
  • What is the Carlson twins’ favorite hobby? (put image of us in cheer and 3 other hobbies as buttons)
  • What is the Carlson twins’ favorite Spider-Man? (put images of the 3 spidermans as buttons)
  • How swaggy are the Carlson twins? (put an image of twins looking cool and use sliders?)


  • 6 total screens
  • opening screen
  • 4 questions each on a screen
  • closing screen w score

    Need to:

  • figure out a way to click the wrong answer (more screens?)
  • how to add images (and as buttons)
  • be creative (a way to click on pic to show answer?)

My finished quiz!

What Worked

Creating this quiz with made it much easier. I slowly got the hang of it, as I understood and learned how each function, variable, and control worked. App Lab made it very easy to add images, as well as buttons and texts. Then, i followed the very similar format for each “onevent”.

Challenges/What Didn’t Work

This project involved a lot of trial and error. I would try see some examples or try and understand what a function would do, and then I’d change it a bit and see what would happen. This happened many times, leading to new thinds but also errors. It took me a lot of time and trials to figure out how to incorporate an if/else statement. The order and location in which the functions are is essential. That is another thing I learned through trial and error. However, there were occasions where I could not figure out how to make it work. In that case, I would strategize a new way of doing. For example, at the end of my quiz where the messages with your end score come up, I had to use “while” statements and define the score as a number. At first, I used inequalities, but they only worked for some situations. I decided to make it simpler, and only use “===”, rather than “<= or >=”. ADAPT AND OVERCOME

Performance Task Skills

Program Purpose and Funcion

  • This program’s purpose is to test people’s knowledge on the Carlson Twins. Another goal is to tech those who don’t know us well, and achieve a feeling of a closer relationship.
  • Javascript is used in this program to navigate through different screens, texts, and buttons (outputs) as a user enters data (clicking buttons, type in answers, sliding bars).

Data Abstraction

  • In this project, we were given a tool,, to help simplify the process of using Javascript to make a quiz. It did not involve any lists or other data collection types. This quiz is simple, therefore not needing a data list or dictionary.

Managing Complexity

  • In order to be more efficient, the next time I make a quiz using this program, I will attempt to define a function. Then, I will use that function and create a list with the inputs. Hopefully that would be more efficient and speed up the process of coding.

Procedural Abstraction

  • As i said in managing complexity, I did not define any new funtions (that weren’t already options provided by However, I did learn some of the basics of Javascript through exploration and the creation of this quiz.

Algorithim Implementation

  • I used sequencing and selection in this quiz. All of the events are in a specific order, going in order of the cells. It is not iteration since I am not using any lists or dictionaries. Selection is used in this quiz with the score calculations, and the incorrect page. Everytime the user gets the correct answer, +1 is added to the variable “score”. These aren’t neccesarily in order, making it selection.


  • Every step of creating this quiz involved testing. Whenever I added a new button, image, or even changed the inequality on the score, I tested it. Also, if there were many options (like getting 2/3 vs 3/3 correct), I would test every possible outcome. Through this process of trial and error, I was able to achieve a successful quiz.