def question_with_response(promt):
    print("Question: " + promt)
    msg = input()
    return msg

correct = 0
ec_abort = 0

# I created the variable "ec_abort" (stands for extra credit abort) 

print("Hey queen, make sure to think out of the box when taking this quiz.")
print("You will be asked 5 questions about me. Make sure the first letter of your answer is capitalized and that if it is numerical, use the number.")
question_with_response("Are you ready?")

if ec_abort == 0:
    rsp = question_with_response("How old am I?")
    if rsp == "16":
        print(rsp + " is correct:)")
        correct += 1
    elif rsp == "Give me 100%":
        print(rsp + "     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE")
        ec_abort = 1
        print(rsp + " is no bueno:(")

# The new variable allows me to code so that if the user of my quiz types "Give me 100%", it skips to the end with a 5/5

if ec_abort == 0:
    rsp = question_with_response("What is my favorite color?")
    if rsp == "Blue":
        print(rsp + " is correct:)")
        correct +=1
    elif rsp == "Give me 100%":
        print(rsp + "     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE")
        ec_abort = 1
        print(rsp + " is no bueno:(")

# If they get the question correct, then the variable "correct" goes up by 1

if ec_abort == 0:
    rsp = question_with_response("How many siblings to I have?")
    if rsp == "3":
        print(rsp + " is correct:)")
        correct +=1
    elif rsp == "Give me 100%":
        print(rsp + "     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE")
        ec_abort = 1
        print(rsp + " is no bueno:(")

# If their answer is incorrect, the amount correct stays the same and it prints "is no bueno:("

if ec_abort == 0:
    rsp = question_with_response("What pet do I have?")
    if rsp == "A dog":
        print(rsp + " is correct:)")
        correct +=1
    elif rsp == "Give me 100%":
        print(rsp + "     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE")
        ec_abort = 1
        print(rsp + " is no bueno:(")

if ec_abort == 0:
    rsp = question_with_response("What is my favorite subject?")
    if rsp == "Math":
        print(rsp + " is correct:)")
        correct +=1
    elif rsp == "Give me 100%":
        print(rsp + "     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE")
        ec_abort = 1
        print(rsp + " is no bueno:(")

if ec_abort == 1:
    print("You scored 5/5")

if ec_abort == 0:
    print ("Slayyy you scored " + str(correct) + "/5")

# If they don't use the "Give me 100%" option, ec_abort is still 0, allowing this step that gives the perentage correct to show
Hey queen, make sure to think out of the box when taking this quiz.
You will be asked 5 questions about me. Make sure the first letter of your answer is capitalized and that if it is numerical, use the number.
Question: Are you ready?
Question: How old am I?
16 is correct:)
Question: What is my favorite color?
Blue is correct:)
Question: How many siblings to I have?
Give me 100%     BOOM 100% YOU ARE DONE
You scored 5/5