MCQ Test #3

Taking the Quiz

  • This was my third time taking an example MCQ test. This was the easiest it's felt. I felt like I was much more efficient and confident in all my answers. I am getting much better at taking a question step by step, and problem solving to get an answer.

Improvements Since First Test

  • test taking strategies
  • more familar with code
  • can take code step by step (not freak out when I see it all)
  • more familiar with many of the functions/code that are in the MCQ from this trimester
  • I was able to take this test much more quickly and with less stress/uncertainty as the final from last trimester :)


My Score: 48/50

Q35 pt 1 Q35 pt 2

  • Question 35:
    • On this question, I failed to consider all the options. I had assumed that all options would work, however, I failed to consider one order of scores. When I tested out Team C and Team A having the highest score, the program was correct. Although, I didn’t realize that if Team B had the highest score but Team C had a higher score than Team A, then team C was incorrectly ruled the winner.


  • Question 50:
    • I should have looked at this queston more throughly, and thought of options for values past the provided table. I thought this question was “too easy”, since I directly looked at the number of steps when the list size was 5, and chose the options with the lowest number. However, if I looked more carefully, I would’ve seen that algorithm B grows at an exponential rate. Sure, at a list size of 5 it has the least steps, but it also grows the fastest.

Improve for Next Time:

  • The next time I take an MCQ test, I want to run more situations through my head. For example, with question number 35, if I thought about all the situations and orders with scores, I could’ve discovered that option D was faulty.