Pre-view of materials required for College Board

  • Row 1 (Program Purpose and Function):
    • the purpose of my program is to aid ISPE students to stay organized and ensure they get credit for their class
    • my program works (functionality) by allowing users to log their workouts and then recieve a corresponding grade
    • the user inputs a workout by typing “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Date of Completion”, “Number of Hours Completed” and click submit
    • the output of the program is that the data appears in a table below along with a corresponding grade
  • Row 2 (Data Abstraction):
    • name of collection type will be (class): ISPE
    • data in this class is the data (workouts) that the user inputed
  • Row 3 (Managing Complexity):
    • without the use of the class in the database, the inputed data would be very unorganized and would only be stored locally. However, I could store the data in a list and use a rest API.
  • Row 4 (Procedural Abstraction):
    • Show a procedure in creating the API or database?
    • the API and database are critical to this project since they allow data to be stored (not just locally) and connect the inputs from the frontend to the backend (data a user inputs will show up in table and stay there even when page is refreshed)
  • Row 5 (Algorithm Implentation):
    • we haven’t finished our code yet
    • describe process of input getting posted to the backend, getting stored in the database, and then sent back to the frontend (table) in JSON format using the API
  • Row 6 (Testing):
    • First call: user inputs a workout into the form and clicks submit
      • conditions being tested: checks if data is valid and if it can be added to the database
      • result: data will appear in the table below with the corresponding grade
    • Second call: user enters invalid (garbage) data into the field: “number of hours completed”
      • Conditions being tested: checks if the data inputted is valid (numerical number) to be put in the database
      • result: the program will return the message “please enter a valid number”

My Portion of Create Performance Task Project


ISPE Grades

My portion of the CPT Project is our Independent Sport Physical Education (ISPE) page.

  • This page has a feature that allows a student participating in ISPE (getting a PE credit outside of school) to log their sports/workouts and recieve grades for them.
  • This page is intended to help ISPE students to stay organized and on top of their workouts to ensure they get the credits for the class
  • I have a form where the student inputs:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Completion
    • Number of Hours Completed
  • When they submit, their workout will appear in the table below, along with a corresponding grade.
  • this page incorporates CRUD since it will have options for the user to add, edit, and delete their data

Code Plan


  • the form in which the user inputs the four fields of data is HTML 5 inputs
  • Javascript and HTML retreives data from the backend with the api (JSON format) and autogenerates the data into the table
  • CSS/HTML/markdown is used to style the page


  • file “” creates the database (including the classes for users and each table <- ISPE class for my feature)
  • file “” creates the api that is the “connector” between frontend and backend

Video Plan

In the video, I will demonstrate multiple things:

  • input: user inputs a workout by typing these fields into a form and hits submit
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Completion
    • Number of Hours Completed)
  • output: the data appears in a table below along with a corresponding grade