Taking the Final

There were many questions where I had to stop and think for a while. However, this final didn’t feel as challenging or overwhelming as the previous practice quizes.


I noticed that many of the questions that were on the final were similar to the ones we had taken earlier after the videos. They felt much easier this time.

  • I understand the topics much better now
  • broke up the code into pieces (wasn’t overwhelmed by the whole chunk)
  • took pieces step by step to understand what the code does
  • used process of elimination (was able to limit down the options until I felt confident in an answer)
  • when I was stuck, I’d discuss with my teammates who were taking the test as well (combinded knowlege and backgrounds helped to conclude an answer)

### Corrections I got a 48/50 on the final, which would be a 5 on the AP test. These were the problems I got incorrect.

  • #11 Question 11
  • My mistake was that I thought that the code compares each element to every other element in the list. Originally, I thought since the list is checking for duplicates, it would need to check for dupliactes in all the elements.
  • However, it acutually only compares it to the elements that follow, since it iterates through j + 1. It doesn’t require checking the previous ones since it checks for duplicates as it goes.

  • #36 Question 36
  • This question was very hard for me to understand, even after seeing the correct answer. I asked a couple people for help, and their explanations aided in my current understanding.
  • At first, I thought that i <- i + 1 needed to be first in order to make it even before multiplying it by 2 everytime. I misunderstood the parts of the code, and mixed up appending it to the list and iterating through it.
  • The APPEND(evenlist, 2 * i) needs to be first. It appends an empty list, and then multiplies i (with a current value of 1) by 2 in order to make it even. It then iterates through by adding one to i.

Night at the Museum

  • The Night at the Museum process was a little chaotic for my group. Just before we had to leave to head to the school, our code was changed and made a major error. Our AWS wouldn’t deploy, so we couldn’t fetch data from our APIs. However, it was still a successful night with many intresting projects
  • it was so intresting to go around and see all the projects that other students created. They were very creative and all the projects were so differet. It was also cool to see the APCSA projects and how they were more advanced and detailed.

some of other groups’ projects: Marketplace Project Playlist Project