MCQ Test #4

Taking the Quiz

  • This was my fourth time taking an example MCQ test. I’m not going to lie, this test was a little more difficult for me. I think this test involved more concepts that I need practice/more research in. I list those topics after my corrections below.

Improvements Since First Test

  • test taking strategies
  • more familar with code
  • can take code step by step (not freak out when I see it all)
  • more familiar with many of the functions/code that are in the MCQ from this trimester


My Score: 47/50


  • Question 20:
    • On this question, I misunderstood option 3. I thought that the metadeta wouldn’t include the actual “name” of the criminals, only the phone number. However, I think they only meant for the list to be of the phone numbers, making both options 2 and 3 correct.


  • Question 37:
    • I actually got the correct algorithim efficiency for this question. However, I thouight that n^2 was inefficicent. Apparently is is said to run in a reasonable amount of time.


  • Question 49:
    • My answer to this question does correctly compare the student scores to the maximum possible score, however, it fails to check the last element on the list. That is why option A is correct, setting the variable “len” to the length of the scores -1.

Improve for Next Time:

  • I think I need to watch the collegeboard videos/research more about the following topics:
    • binary searches
    • data transmissions
    • algorithm efficiency