MCQ Test 2021


My Score: 62/70


  • Question 3:
    • This was just a dumb mistake. I should have looked at it more clearly.


  • Question 9:
    • This question definitely stumped me. When I read the option I chose, the “sequence of operations” reminded me of how data is transmitted in packets with meta data describing how to mut them back together. So, I thought these operations would describe how to “recreate” the audio signal. However, now that I look at it more, I realize that it makes much more sense that the signal would be trasmitted as a sequence of bits.


  • Question 17:
    • This was also just a dumb mistake. I think I was trying to rush and didn’t look at the diagram closely enough.


  • Question 23:
    • This was a conceptial mistake. Oopie.


  • Question 43:
    • This is a word that I need to study. I have just researched keylogging and now I understand how it is the tracking of computer movements.


  • Question 50:
    • This was anther term I didn’t know when taking this test. I now know that symmetric encryption uses one key instead of both a public key and a private key.


  • Question 60:
    • I overthought this question. I thought collegeboard was trying to trick mw with an “obvious answer” but turns out it was actually correct. Oops.


  • Question 66:
    • I’m not gonna lie this question is confusing. I still am trying to figure out how it works (will probably be an OHH moment and then wonder how I’m so stupid but currently I am still in the stupid stage)

Improve for AP Exam:

  • I think I did really well on time. So, I think the AP test will go well, especially since I will have paper to write out my thoughts on. However, I need to make sure I try to be efficient but careful with my answers. A few of my mistakes on this test were just because I was rushing. I do need to study a few more vocablary terms before the test, such as keylogging and the licenses one can get and its terms.