What you should Have to Start

Lesson Portion 1: ReIntroduction to Data Analysis, NunPy, and Pandas, Why is it important?

Data Analysis.

  • Data Analysis is the process of examining data sets in order to find trends and draw conclusions about the given information. Data analysis is important because it helps businesses optimize their performances.

What is NunPy and Pandas

  • Pandas library involves a lot of data analysis in Python. NumPy Library is mostly used for working with numerical values and it makes it easy to apply with mathematical functions.
  • Imagine you have a lot of toys, but they are all mixed up in a big box. NumPy helps you to put all the same types of toys together, like all the cars in one pile and all the dolls in another. Pandas is like a helper that helps you to remember where each toy is located. So, if you want to find a specific toy, like a red car, you can ask Pandas to find it for you.
  • Just like how it's easier to find a toy when they are sorted and organized, it's easier for grown-ups to understand and analyze big sets of numbers when they use NumPy and Pandas.

Lesson Portion 2 More into NunPy

What we are covering;

  • Explanation of NumPy and its uses in data analysis
  • Importing NumPy library
  • Examining NumPy arrays
  • Creating NumPy arrays and performing intermediate array operations
  • Popcorn Hacks, Make your own percentile NunPy array

What is NunPy's use in data analysis/ how to import NunPy.

NumPy is a tool in Python that helps with doing math and data analysis. It's great for working with large amounts of data, like numbers in a spreadsheet. NumPy is really good at doing calculations quickly and accurately, like finding averages, doing algebra, and making graphs. It's used a lot by scientists and people who work with data because it makes their work easier and faster.

import numpy as np

List of NunPy Functions, what they do, and examples.

Example of Using NunPy in Our Project

This code calculates the total plate appearances for a baseball player using NumPy's sum() function, similar to the original example. It then uses NumPy to calculate the total number of bases (hits plus walks) for the player, and divides that by the total number of plate appearances to get the on-base percentage. The results are then printed to the console.

import numpy as np

# Example data
player_hits = np.array([3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2])  # Player's hits in each game
player_walks = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0])  # Player's walks in each game
player_strikeouts = np.array([2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1])  # Player's strikeouts in each game

# array to store plate appearances (PA) for the player
total_pa = np.sum(player_hits != 0) + np.sum(player_walks) + np.sum(player_strikeouts)

# array to store on-base percentage (OBP) for the player
total_bases = np.sum(player_hits) + np.sum(player_walks)
obp = total_bases / total_pa

# Print the total plate appearances and on-base percentage for the player
print(f"Total plate appearances: {total_pa}")
print(f"On-base percentage: {obp:.3f}")

Activity 1; PopCorn Hacks; Creating a NunPy Array and Analyzing the Data using Array Operations

import numpy as np

#Create a NumPy array of the heights of players in a basketball team
heights = np.array([192, 195, 193, 200, 211, 199, 201, 198, 184, 190, 196, 203, 208, 182, 207])

# Calculate the percentile rank of each player's height
percentiles = np.percentile(heights, [25, 50, 75])

# Print the results
print("The 25th percentile height is", percentiles[0], "cm.")
print("The 50th percentile height is", percentiles[1], "cm.")
print("The 75th percentile height is", percentiles[2], "cm.")

# Determine the number of players who are in the top 10% tallest
top_10_percent = np.percentile(heights, 90)
tallest_players = heights[heights >= top_10_percent]

print("There are", len(tallest_players), "players in the top 10% tallest.")
import numpy as np

#Create a NumPy array of the age
ages = np.array([16, 17, 22, 12, 17, 18, 16, 12, 15, 14, 25, 19, 13, 11, 16, 14, 13, 19, 17, 14, 22, 13, 20])

# Calculate the percentile rank of age
agepercentile = np.percentile(ages, [25, 50, 75])

# Print the results
print("The youngest quarter percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[0], "years")
print("The 50th percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[1], "years")
print("The 75th percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[2], "years")

# Determine the number of students who are in the yougnest 15%
not_low_15 = np.percentile(ages, 15)
number_low15 = ages[ages <= not_low_15]

print("There are", len(number_low15), "students in the youngest 15 percent of the class.")
The youngest quarter percentile of students in CSP are 13.5 years
The 50th percentile of students in CSP are 16.0 years
The 75th percentile of students in CSP are 18.5 years
There are 6 students in the youngest 15 percent of the class.

Lesson Portion 3 More into Pandas

What we are Covering

  • Explanation of Pandas and its uses in data analysis
  • Importing Pandas library
  • Loading data into Pandas DataFrames from CSV files
  • Manipulating and exploring data in Pandas DataFrames
  • Example of using Pandas for data analysis tasks such as filtering and sorting

What are pandas and what is its purpose?

  • Pandas is a software library that is used in Python
  • Pandas are used for data analysis and data manipulation
  • Pandas offer data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.
  • Pandas is free

Things you can do using pandas

  • Data Cleansing; Identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in datasets.
  • Data fill; Filling in missing values in datasets.
  • Statistical Analysis; Analyzing datasets using statistical techniques to draw conclusions and make predictions.
  • Data Visualization; Representing datasets visually using graphs, charts, and other visual aids.
  • Data inspection; Examining datasets to identify potential issues or patterns, such as missing data, outliers, or trends.

Pandas and Data analysis

The 2 most important data structures in Pandas are:

  • Series ; A Series is a one-dimensional labeled array that can hold data of any type (integer, float, string, etc.). It is similar to a column in a spreadsheet or a SQL table. Each element in a Series has a label, known as an index. A Series can be created from a list, a NumPy array, a dictionary, or another Pandas Series.
  • DataFrame ;A DataFrame is a two-dimensional labeled data structure that can hold data of different types (integer, float, string, etc.). It is similar to a spreadsheet or a SQL table. Each column in a DataFrame is a Series, and each row is indexed by a label, known as an index. A DataFrame can be created from a dictionary of Series or NumPy arrays, a list of dictionaries, or other Pandas DataFrame.


import pandas as pd

Importing CSV Data

  • imports the Pandas library and assigns it an alias 'pd'.
  • Loads a CSV file named 'nba_player_statistics.csv' into a Pandas DataFrame called 'df'.
  • Specifies a player's name 'Jimmy Butler' to filter the DataFrame for that player's stats. It creates a new DataFrame called 'player_stats' which only contains rows where the 'NAME' column matches 'Jimmy Butler'.
  • Displays the player's stats for points per game (PPG), rebounds per game (RPG), and assists per game (APG) using the print() function and string formatting.
  • The code uses the double square brackets [[PPG', 'RPG', 'APG']] to select only the columns corresponding to the player's points per game, rebounds per game, and assists per game from the player_stats DataFrame.
  • In summary, the code loads NBA player statistics data from a CSV file, filters it for a specific player, and displays the stats for that player's PPG, RPG, and APG using a Pandas DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
# Load the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/nba_player_statistics.csv')
# Filter the DataFrame to only include stats for a specific player (in this case, Jimmy Butler)
player_name = 'Jimmy Butler'
player_stats = df[df['NAME'] == player_name]
# Display the stats for the player
print(f"\nStats for {player_name}:")
print(player_stats[['PPG', 'RPG', 'APG']])
Stats for Jimmy Butler:
    PPG  RPG   APG
0  35.0  5.0  11.0

In this code segment below we use Pandas to read a CSV file containing NBA player statistics and store it in a DataFrame.

The reason Pandas is useful in this scenario is because it provides various functionalities to filter, sort, and manipulate the NBA data efficiently. In this code, the DataFrame is filtered to only include the stats for the player you guys choose.

  • Imports the Pandas library and assigns it an alias 'pd'.
  • Loads a CSV file named 'nba_player_statistics.csv' into a Pandas DataFrame called 'df'.
  • Asks the user to input a player name using the input() function and assigns it to the variable player_name.
  • Filters the DataFrame for the specified player name using the df[df['NAME'] == player_name] syntax, and assigns the resulting DataFrame to the variable player_stats.
  • Checks if the player_stats DataFrame is empty using the empty attribute. If it is empty, prints "No stats found for that player." Otherwise, it proceeds to step 6.
  • Displays the player's stats for points per game (PPG), rebounds per game (RPG), assists per game (APG), and total points + rebounds + assists (P+R+A) using the print() function and string formatting.
  • In summary, this code loads NBA player statistics data from a CSV file, asks the user to input a player name, filters the DataFrame for that player's stats, and displays the player's stats for PPG, RPG, APG, and P+R+A. If the player is not found in the DataFrame, it prints a message indicating that no stats were found.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/nba_player_statistics.csv')
# Load CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
player_name = input("Enter player name: ")
# Get player name input from user
player_stats = df[df['NAME'] == player_name]
# Filter the DataFrame to only include stats for the specified player
if player_stats.empty:
    print("No stats found for that player.")
# Check if the player exists in the DataFrame
    print(f"\nStats for {player_name}:")
print(player_stats[['PPG', 'RPG', 'APG', 'P+R+A']])
# Display the stats for the player inputted.
Stats for Jimmy Butler:
    PPG  RPG   APG  P+R+A
0  35.0  5.0  11.0   51.0

Lesson Portion 4

What we will be covering

  • Example of analyzing data using both NumPy and Pandas libraries
  • Importing data into NumPy and Pandas Performing basic data analysis tasks such as mean, median, and standard deviation Visualization of data using Matplotlib library

Example of analyzing data using both NumPy and Pandas libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Load CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame

df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/nba_player_statistics.csv')

# Filter the DataFrame to only include stats for the specified player

player_name = input("Enter player name: ")
player_stats = df[df['NAME'] == player_name]
if player_stats.empty:
    print("No stats found for that player.")

    # Convert the player stats to a NumPy array
    player_stats_np = np.array(player_stats[['PPG', 'RPG', 'APG', 'P+R+A']])

    # Calculate the average of each statistic for the player

    player_stats_avg = np.mean(player_stats_np, axis=0)

    # Print out the average statistics for the player

    print(f"\nAverage stats for {player_name}:")
    print(f"PPG: {player_stats_avg[0]:.2f}")
    print(f"RPG: {player_stats_avg[1]:.2f}")
    print(f"APG: {player_stats_avg[2]:.2f}")
    print(f"P+R+A: {player_stats_avg[3]:.2f}")
Average stats for Jimmy Butler:
PPG: 35.00
RPG: 5.00
APG: 11.00
P+R+A: 51.00

NumPy impacts the given code because it performs operations on arrays efficiently. Specifically, it converts a Pandas DataFrame object to a NumPy array object, and then calculates the average statistics for a the player you guys inputted. Without NumPy, it would be more difficult and less efficient to perform these calculations on large data sets. It does the math for us.

Importing data into NumPy and Pandas Performing basic data analysis tasks such as mean, median, and standard deviation Visualization of data using Matplotlib library

Matplotlib is used essentially to create visuals of data. charts,diagrams,etc.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/nba_player_statistics.csv')

# Print the first 5 rows of the DataFrame

# Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the 'Points' column
mean_minutes = df['MPG'].mean()
median_minutes = df['MPG'].median()
stddev_minutes = df['MPG'].std()

# Print the results
print('Mean Minutes: ', mean_minutes)
print('Median Minutes: ', median_minutes)
print('Standard Deviation Minutes: ', stddev_minutes)

# Create a histogram of the 'Points' column using Matplotlib
plt.hist(df['MPG'], bins=20)
plt.title('MPG Histogram')
   RANK             NAME TEAM POS   AGE  GP   MPG  USG%   TO%  FTA  ...   APG  \
0     1     Jimmy Butler  Mia   F  33.6   1  42.9  34.3   9.9    8  ...  11.0   
1     2    Kawhi Leonard  Lac   F  31.8   2  40.2  30.0  11.9   17  ...   6.0   
2     3  Khris Middleton  Mil   F  31.7   1  33.1  37.5  19.8   10  ...   4.0   
3     4     Devin Booker  Pho   G  26.5   2  44.1  28.8  16.2   14  ...   6.0   
4     5     De'Aaron Fox  Sac   G  25.3   2  38.2  31.6   9.0   14  ...   7.0   

   SPG  BPG  TPG   P+R   P+A  P+R+A    VI   ORtg   DRtg  
0  3.0  0.0  3.0  40.0  46.0   51.0  11.6  117.2  103.8  
1  2.0  0.5  3.0  41.0  40.5   47.0  11.0  129.5  110.4  
2  0.0  0.0  5.0  42.0  37.0   46.0  12.8  115.5  111.9  
3  2.5  1.5  4.0  33.0  38.0   39.0   5.2  121.9  111.0  
4  3.5  0.5  2.5  34.0  38.0   41.0   9.1  112.6  108.8  

[5 rows x 29 columns]
Mean Minutes:  20.985483870967748
Median Minutes:  23.0
Standard Deviation Minutes:  12.844102823170283

In this example code, we first import the necessary libraries, including NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. We then load the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame using the pd.read_csv() function. We print the first 5 rows of the DataFrame using the df.head() function. Next, we calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the 'MPG' column using the appropriate Pandas methods, and print the results. And, we create a histogram of the 'MPG' column using Matplotlib by calling the plt.hist() function and setting appropriate axis labels and a title. We then call the plt.show() method to display the plot. Even though NumPy is not directly used in this code, it is an important underlying component of the pandas and Matplotlib libraries, which are used to load, manipulate and visualize data. It allows them to work more efficiently

Lesson Portion 5; Summary

Summary/Goals of Lesson:

One of our goals was to make you understand data analysis and how it can be important in optimizing business performance. We also wanted to make sure you understood the use of Pandas and NumPy libraries in data analysis, with a focus on NumPy. As someone who works with data, we find Pandas incredibly useful for manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data in Python. The way we use pandas is to calculate individual player and team statistics. We are a group that works with numerical data, so NumPy is one of our favorite tools for working with arrays and applying mathematical functions to them. It is very fast at computing and manipulating arrays making it a very valuable tool for tracking statistics which is important to our group. For example, if you have an array of the points scored by each player in a game, you can use NumPy to calculate the total points scored, average points per player, or the highest and lowest scoring players.

Lesson Portion 6 Hacks

Printing a CSV File (0.5)

  • Use this link https://github.com/ali-ce/datasets to select csv file of a topic you are interested in, or you may find one online.
  • Once you select your topic make sure it is a csv file and then you want to press on the button that says raw.
  • After that copy that information and create a file with a name and .csv at the end and paste your information.
  • Below is a start that you can use for your hacks.
  • Your goal is to print 2 specific parts from data (example could be like population and country).

Popcorn Hacks (0.2)

  • Lesson Portion 1. #### Answering Questions (0.2)
  • Found Below.

Submit By Thursday 8:35 A.M.

  • How to Submit: Slack a Blog Post that includes all of your hacks to "Joshua Williams" on Slack.

My Lesson Portion 1 Hack

import numpy as np

#Create a NumPy array of the age
ages = np.array([16, 17, 22, 12, 17, 18, 16, 12, 15, 14, 25, 19, 13, 11, 16, 14, 13, 19, 17, 14, 22, 13, 20])

# Calculate the percentile rank of age
agepercentile = np.percentile(ages, [25, 50, 75])

# Print the results
print("The youngest quarter percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[0], "years")
print("The 50th percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[1], "years")
print("The 75th percentile of students in CSP are", agepercentile[2], "years")

# Determine the number of students who are in the yougnest 15%
not_low_15 = np.percentile(ages, 15)
number_low15 = ages[ages <= not_low_15]

print("There are", len(number_low15), "students in the youngest 15 percent of the class.")
The youngest quarter percentile of students in CSP are 13.5 years
The 50th percentile of students in CSP are 16.0 years
The 75th percentile of students in CSP are 18.5 years
There are 6 students in the youngest 15 percent of the class.

My CSV File Hack

import pandas as pd
# read the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv("/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/Starbucks World Stats.csv")
# display the data in a table
                Country  Population  Numer of Starbucks  \
0         United States   316128839               11851   
1                 China  1357380000                1462   
2                Canada    35158304                1425   
3                 Japan   127338621                1052   
4        United Kingdom    64097085                 770   
..                  ...         ...                 ...   
58                Aruba      102911                   3   
59              Finland     5439407                   3   
60             Colombia    48321405                   2   
61  Netherland Antilles      227049                   2   
62               Monaco       37831                   1   

    Starbucks per million inhabitants  
0                               37.49  
1                                1.08  
2                               40.53  
3                                8.26  
4                               12.01  
..                                ...  
58                              29.15  
59                               0.55  
60                               0.04  
61                               8.81  
62                              26.43  

[63 rows x 4 columns]
import pandas as pd

# read the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/Starbucks World Stats.csv')

# print the 2 specific columns (country and #Starbucks it has) for the first 10 countries
df_2rows = df[['Country', 'Numer of Starbucks']].head(10)
          Country  Numer of Starbucks
0   United States               11851
1           China                1462
2          Canada                1425
3           Japan                1052
4  United Kingdom                 770
5     Korea, Rep.                 684
6          Mexico                 423
7          Taiwan                 316
8     Philippines                 234
9          Turkey                 213

Question Hacks

  1. What is NumPy and how is it used in data analysis?

    • NumPy helps with math and data analysis in Python. It is used to control large data sets that would normally be much more complicated and messy to analyze.

  2. What is Pandas and how is it used in data analysis?

    • Pandas is a software library that is used in Python. It allows for easy analyzing and manipulation of data.

  3. How is NunPy different than Pandas for data analysis?

    • NunPy uses the data to perform mathematical expressions/other analytical operations. The data analytics that Pandas perfoms is more searching and manipulation of the data.

  4. What is a DataFrame?

    • A DataFrame is a two-dimensional labeled data structure. It holds data and can be indexed by labels.

  5. What are some common operations you can perform with NunPy?

    • Some common operations you can perform with NunPy are data analytical operations like mean, median, standard deviation, quartiles, etc.

  6. How Can You Incorporate Either of these Data Analysis Tools (NunPy, Pandas) into your project?

    • I could find a CSV related to my project topic (fitness) and analyze it using NunPy and Pandas. For example, I could find a CSV file about nutrition in foods and provide organized information to my users. That way they could incorporate a healthy/aware diet into their fitness lives.


Actually making the portion for my project using Pandas and NunPy.

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 332)

# Load the data
df = pd.read_csv('/home/alexac54767/vscode/Alexa-Fastpage/_notebooks/files/nutrients_csvfile.csv')

# Keep only required columns
df = df.loc[:, ['Food', 'Grams', 'Calories', 'Protein', 'Fat', 'Sat.Fat', 'Fiber', 'Carbs']]

# Drop rows with missing values

# Convert binary categorical variable to numeric
df['Calories'] = df['Calories'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Low' else 0)

                                         Food  Grams  Calories Protein  Fat  \
0                                  Cows' milk    976         0      32   40   
1                                   Milk skim    984         0      36    t   
2                                  Buttermilk    246         0       9    5   
3                       Evaporated, undiluted    252         0      16   20   
4                              Fortified milk  1,419         0      89   42   
5                               Powdered milk    103         0      27   28   
6                               skim, instant     85         0      30    t   
7                           skim, non-instant     85         0      30    t   
8                                 Goats' milk    244         0       8   10   
9                         (1/2 cup ice cream)    540         0      24   24   
10                                      Cocoa    252         0       8   11   
11                                 skim. milk    250         0      18    4   
12                               (cornstarch)    248         0       9   10   
13                                    Custard    248         0      13   14   
14                                  Ice cream    188         0       6   18   
15                                   Ice milk    190         0       9   10   
16                     Cream or half-and-half    120         0       4   15   
17                                or whipping    119         0       2   44   
18                                     Cheese    225         0      30   11   
19                                  uncreamed    225         0      38    t   
20                                    Cheddar     17         0       4    6   
21                        Cheddar, grated cup     56         0      14   19   
22                               Cream cheese     28         0       2   11   
23                           Processed cheese     28         0       7    9   
24                             Roquefort type     28         0       6    9   
25                                      Swiss     28         0       7    8   
26                                   Eggs raw    100         0      12   12   
27                    Eggs Scrambled or fried    128         0      13   16   
28                                      Yolks     34         0       6   10   
29                                     Butter     14         0       t   11   
30                                     Butter    112         0     114  115   
31                                     Butter    112         0     114  115   
32                   Hydrogenated cooking fat    100         0       0  100   
33                                       Lard    110         0       0  110   
34                                  Margarine    112         0       t   91   
35                        Margarine, 2 pat or     14         0       t   11   
36                                 Mayonnaise     15         0       t   12   
37                                   Corn oil     14         0       0   14   
38                                  Olive oil     14         0       0   14   
39                         Safflower seed oil     14         0       0   14   
40                            French dressing     15         0       t    6   
41                      Thousand Island sauce     15         0       t    8   
43                                      Bacon     16         0       4    8   
44                                       Beef     85         0      23   16   
45                                  Hamburger     85         0      21   17   
46                                Ground lean     85         0      24   10   
47                                 Roast beef     85         0      16   36   
48                                      Steak     85         0      20   27   
49                      Steak, lean, as round     85         0      24   12   
50                                Corned beef     85         0      22   10   
51                    Corned beef hash canned     85         0      12    8   
52                     Corned beef hash Dried     56         0      19    4   
53                                    Pot-pie    227         0      18   28   
54                      Corned beef hash Stew    235         0      15   10   
55                                    chicken     85         0      23    9   
56     Fried, breast or leg and thigh chicken     85         0      25   15   
57                            Roasted chicken    100         0      25   20   
58                      Chicken livers, fried    100         0      22   14   
59                             Duck, domestic    100         0      16   28   
60                        Lamb, chop, broiled    115         0      24   35   
61                                Leg roasted     86         0      20   14   
62                          Shoulder, braised     85         0      18   23   
63                        Pork, chop, 1 thick    100         0      16   21   
64                            Ham pan-broiled     85         0      16   22   
65                                   Ham, as      57         0      13   13   
66                        Ham, canned, spiced     57         0       8   14   
67                                 Pork roast     85         0      21   24   
68                               Pork sausage    100         0      18   44   
69                                     Turkey    100         0      27   15   
70                                       Veal     85         0      23    9   
71                                      Roast     85         0      13   14   
72                                      Clams     85         0      12    1   
73                                        Cod    100         0      28    5   
74                                  Crab meat     85         0      14    2   
75                          Fish sticks fried    112         0      19   10   
76                                   Flounder    100         0      30    8   
77                                    Haddock     85         0      16    5   
78                                    Halibut    100         0      26    8   
79                                    Herring    100         0      22   13   
80                                    Lobster    100         0      18    1   
81                                   Mackerel     85         0      18    9   
82                                    Oysters    230         0     232  233   
83                                Oyster stew     85         0      19    6   
84                                     Salmon     85         0      17    5   
85                                   Sardines     85         0      22    9   
86                                   Scallops    100         0      18    8   
87                                       Shad     85         0      20   10   
88                                     Shrimp     85         0      23    1   
89                                  Swordfish    100         0      27    6   
90                                       Tuna     85         0      25    7   
91                                  Artichoke    100         0       2    t   
92                                  Asparagus     96         0       1    t   
93                                      Beans    125         0       1    t   
94                                       Lima    160         0       8    t   
95                          Lima, dry, cooked    192         0      16    t   
96                      Navy, baked with pork    200         0      11    6   
97                                 Red kidney    260         0      15    1   
98                               Bean sprouts     50         0       1    t   
99                                Beet greens    100         0       2    t   
101                                  Broccoli    150         0       5    t   
102                          Brussels sprouts    130         0       6    t   
103                                Sauerkraut    150         0       1    t   
104                           Steamed cabbage    170         0       2    t   
105                                   Carrots    150         0       1    t   
106                               Raw, grated    110         0       1    t   
107                          Strips, from raw     50         0       t    t   
108                               Cauliflower    120         0       3    t   
109                                    Celery    100         0       1    t   
110                                 Stalk raw     40         0       1    t   
111                             Chard steamed    150         0       2    t   
112                                  Collards    150         0       5    t   
113                                      Corn    100         0       3    1   
114                          cooked or canned    200         0       5    t   
115                                 Cucumbers     50         0       t    0   
116                          Dandelion greens    180         0       5    1   
117                                  Eggplant    180         0       2    t   
118                                    Endive     57         0       1    t   
119                                      Kale    110         0       4    1   
120                                  Kohlrabi    140         0       2    t   
121                   Lambs quarters, steamed    150         0       5    t   
122                                   Lentils    200         0      15    t   
123                                   Lettuce    100         0       1    t   
124                                   Iceberg    100         0       t    t   
125                          Mushrooms canned    120         0       2    t   
126                            Mustard greens    140         0       3    t   
127                                      Okra    100         0       1    t   
128                                    Onions    210         0       2    t   
129                                Raw, green     50         0       t    t   
130                                   Parsley     50         0       t    t   
131                                  Parsnips    155         0       2    1   
132                                      Peas    100         0       3    t   
133                       Fresh, steamed peas    100         0       5    t   
135                         Split cooked peas    100         0       8    t   
136                               heated peas    100         0       3    t   
137                            Peppers canned     38         0       t    t   
138                 Peppers Raw, green, sweet    100         0       1    t   
139              Peppers with beef and crumbs    150         0      19    9   
140                           Potatoes, baked    100         0       2    t   
141                              French-fried     60         0      -1    7   
142      Potatoes Mashed with milk and butter    200         0       4   12   
143                       Potatoes, pan-tried    100         0       4   14   
144            Scalloped with cheese potatoes    100         0       6    8   
145           Steamed potatoes before peeling    100         0       2    t   
146                              Potato chips     20         0       1    7   
147                                  Radishes     50         0       t    0   
148                                 Rutabagas    100         0       t    0   
149                                  Soybeans    200         0      22   11   
150                                   Spinach    100         0       3    t   
151                                    Squash    210         0       1    t   
152                            Winter, mashed    200         0       4    t   
153                            Sweet potatoes    110         0       2    1   
154                                   Candied    175         0       2    6   
155                                  Tomatoes    240         0       2    t   
156                           Raw, 2 by 2 1/2    150         0       1    t   
157                              Tomato juice    240         0       2    t   
158                             Tomato catsup     17         0       t    t   
159                             Turnip greens    145         0       4    1   
160                          Turnips, steamed    155         0       1    t   
161                     Watercress stems, raw     50         0       1    t   
162                        Apple juice canned    250         0       t    0   
163                             Apple vinegar    100         0       t    0   
164                               Apples, raw    130         0       t    t   
165                          Stewed or canned    240         0       t    t   
166                                  Apricots    250         0       2    t   
167                           Dried, uncooked     75         0       4    t   
168                                     Fresh    114         0       1    t   
169                          Nectar, or juice    250         0       1    t   
170                                   Avocado    108         0       2   18   
171                                    Banana    150         0       1    t   
172                              Blackberries    144         0       2    1   
173                               Blueberries    250         0       1    t   
174                                Cantaloupe    380         0       1    t   
175                                  Cherries    257         0       2    1   
176                                Fresh, raw    114         0       1    t   
177                 Cranberry sauce sweetened    277         0       t    t   
178                                     Dates    178         0       4    t   
179                                      Figs     42         0       2    t   
180                           Fresh, raw figs    114         0       2    t   
181                   figs Canned with syrup     115         0       1    t   
182                    Fruit cocktail, canned    256         0       1    t   
183                       Grapefruit sections    250         0       1    t   
184            Grapefruit, fresh, 5" diameter    285         0       1    t   
185                          Grapefruit juice    250         0       1    t   
186                                    Grapes    153         0       1    t   
187                European, as Muscat, Tokay    160         0       1    t   
188                               Grape juice    250         0       1    t   
189                               Lemon juice    125         0       t    t   
190                Lemonade concentratefrozen    220         0       t    t   
191                Limeade concentrate frozen    218         0       t    t   
192                              Olives large     65         0       1   10   
193                                OlivesRipe     65         0       1   13   
194                       Oranges 3" diameter    180         0       2    t   
195                              Orange juice    250         0       2    t   
196                                   Frozen     210         0       2    t   
197                                    Papaya    200         0       1    t   
198                                   Peaches    257         0       1    t   
199                                Fresh, raw    114         0       1    t   
200                                     Pears    255         0       1    t   
201                              Raw, 3 by 2V    182         0       1    1   
202                                Persimmons    125         0       1    t   
203                                 Pineapple    122         0       t    t   
204                         Pineapple Crushed    260         0       1    t   
205                                Raw, diced    140         0       1   t'   
206                           Pineapple juice    250         0       1    t   
207                                     Plums    256         0       1    t   
208                          Raw, 2" diameter     60         0       t    t   
209                                    Prunes    270         0       3    1   
210                               Prune juice    240         0       1    t   
211                                   Raisins     88         0       2    t   
212                               Raspberries    100         0       t    t   
213                                  Raw, red    100         0       t    t   
214                         Rhubarb sweetened    270         0       1    t   
215                              Strawberries    227         0       1    t   
216                                       Raw    149         0       t    t   
217                                Tangerines    114         0       1    t   
218                                Watermelon    925         0       2    1   
219                                  Biscuits     38         0       3    4   
220                               Bran flakes     25         0       3    t   
221                      Bread, cracked wheat     23         0       2    1   
222                                       Rye     23         0       2    1   
223                      White, 20 slices, or    454         0      39   15   
224                               Whole-wheat    454         0      48   14   
225                               Whole-wheat     23         0       2    1   
226                    Corn bread ground meal     50         0       3    4   
227                                Cornflakes     25         0       2    t   
228                         Corn grits cooked    242         0       8    t   
229                                 Corn meal    118         0       9    4   
230                                  Crackers     14         0       1    1   
231                        Soda, 2 1/2 square     11         0       1    1   
232                                    Farina    238         0       3    t   
233                                     Flour    110         0      39   22   
234                       Wheat (all purpose)    110         0      12    1   
235                             Wheat (whole)    120         0      13    2   
236                                  Macaroni    140         0       5    1   
237                         Baked with cheese    220         0      18   25   
238                                   Muffins     48         0       4    5   
239                                   Noodles    160         0       7    2   
240                                   Oatmeal    236         0       5    3   
241                         Pancakes 4" diam.    108         0       7    9   
242                  Wheat, pancakes 4" diam.    108         0       7    9   
243                           Pizza 14" diam.     75         0       8    6   
244                            Popcorn salted     28         0       3    7   
245                               Puffed rice     14         0       t    t   
246                 Puffed wheat presweetened     28         0       1    t   
247                                      Rice    208         0      15    3   
248                                 Converted    187         0      14    t   
249                                     White    191         0      14    t   
250                               Rice flakes     30         0       2    t   
251                               Rice polish     50         0       6    6   
252                                     Rolls     50         0       3   12   
253                          of refined flour     38         0       3    2   
254                               whole-wheat     40         0       4    1   
255                 Spaghetti with meat sauce    250         0      13   10   
256                  with tomatoes and cheese    250         0       6    5   
257                              Spanish rice    250         0       4    4   
258                    Shredded wheat biscuit     28         0       3    1   
259                                   Waffles     75         0       8    9   
260                                Wheat germ     68         0      17    7   
261                 Wheat-germ cereal toasted     65         0      20    7   
262               Wheat meal cereal unrefined     30         0       4    1   
263                             Wheat, cooked    200         0      12    1   
264                                Bean soups    250         0       8    5   
265                                 Beef soup    250         0       6    4   
266                                  Bouillon    240         0       5    0   
267                              chicken soup    250         0       4    2   
268                              Clam chowder    255         0       5    2   
269                               Cream soups    255         0       7   12   
270                                    Noodle    250         0       6    4   
271                            Split-pea soup    250         0       8    3   
272                               Tomato soup    245         0       6    7   
273                                 Vegetable    250         0       4    2   
274                               Apple betty    100         0       1    4   
275                             Bread pudding    200         0      11   12   
276                                     Cakes     40         0       3    t   
277                           Chocolate fudge    120         0       5   14   
278                                   Cupcake     50         0       3    3   
279                                Fruit cake     30         0       2    4   
280                               Gingerbread     55         0       2    7   
281                      Plain, with no icing     55         0       4    5   
282                               Sponge cake     40         0       3    2   
283                                     Candy     25         0       t    3   
284                          Chocolate creams     30         0       t    4   
285                                     Fudge     90         0       t   12   
286                              Hard candies     28         0       t    0   
287                              Marshmallows     30         0       1    0   
288                            Milk chocolate     56         0       2    6   
289                           Chocolate syrup     40         0       t    t   
290                                 Doughnuts     33         0       2    7   
291                  Gelatin, made with water    239         0       4    t   
292                                     Honey     42         0       t    0   
293                                 Ice cream    300         0       0    0   
294                                      Ices    150         0       0    0   
295                                 preserves     20         0       0    0   
296                                   Jellies     20         0       0    0   
297                                  Molasses     20         0       0    0   
298                                Cane Syrup     20         0       0    0   
299                              9" diam. pie    135         0       3   13   
300                                Cherry Pie    135         0       3   13   
301                                   Custard    130         0       7   11   
302                            Lemon meringue    120         0       4   12   
303                                     Mince    135         0       3    9   
304                               Pumpkin Pie    130         0       5   12   
305                            Puddings Sugar    200         0       0    0   
306                         3 teaspoons sugar     12         0       0    0   
307            Brown, firm-packed, dark sugar    220         0       0    t   
308                                     Syrup     40         0       0    0   
309                        table blends sugar     40         0       0    0   
310                     Tapioca cream pudding    250         0      10   10   
311                                   Almonds     70         0      13   38   
312                        roasted and salted     70         0      13   40   
313                               Brazil nuts     70         0      10   47   
314                                   Cashews     70         0      12   32   
315                         coconut sweetened     50         0       1   20   
316                             Peanut butter     50         0      12   25   
317                    Peanut butter, natural     50         0      13   24   
318                                   Peanuts     50         0      13   25   
319                                    Pecans     52         0       5   35   
320                              Sesame seeds     50         0       9   24   
321                           Sunflower seeds     50         0      12   26   
322                                   Walnuts     50         0       7   32   
323                                      Beer    480         0       t    0   
324                                       Gin     28         0       0    0   
325                                     Wines    120         0       t    0   
326                     Table (12.2% alcohol)    120         0       t    0   
327  Carbonated drinks Artificially sweetened    346         0       0    0   
328                                 Club soda    346         0       0    0   
329                               Cola drinks    346         0       0    0   
330                       Fruit-flavored soda    346         0       0    0   
331                                Ginger ale    346         0       0    0   
332                                 Root beer    346         0       0    0   
333                                    Coffee    230         0       t    0   
334                                       Tea    230         0       0    t   

    Sat.Fat  Fiber Carbs  
0        36      0    48  
1         t      0    52  
2         4      0    13  
3        18      0    24  
4        23    1.4   119  
5        24      0    39  
6         t      0    42  
7         t      1    42  
8         8      0    11  
9        22      0    70  
10       10      0    26  
11        3      1    13  
12        9      0    40  
13       11      0    28  
14       16      0    29  
15        9      0    32  
16       13      0     5  
17       27      1     3  
18       10      0     6  
19        t      0     6  
20        5      0     t  
21       17      0     1  
22       10      0     1  
23        8      0     t  
24        8      0     t  
25        7      0     t  
26       10      0     t  
27       14      0     1  
28        8      0     t  
29       10      0     t  
30      116    117   118  
31      116    117   118  
32       88      0     0  
33       92      0     0  
34       76      0     t  
35        9      0     t  
36        5      0     t  
37        5      0     0  
38        3      0     0  
39        3      0     0  
40        2      0     2  
41        3      0     1  
43        7      0     1  
44       15      0     0  
45       15      0     0  
46        9      0     0  
47       35      0     0  
48       25      0     0  
49       11      0     0  
50        9      0     0  
51        7      t     6  
52        4      0     0  
53       25      t    32  
54        9      t    15  
55        7      0     0  
56       11      0     0  
57       16      0     0  
58       12      0  2.30  
59        0      0     0  
60       33      0     0  
61       14      0     0  
62       21      0     0  
63       18      0     0  
64       19      0     0  
65       11      0     0  
66       12      0     1  
67       21      0     0  
68       40      0     0  
69        0      0     0  
70        8      0     0  
71       13      0     0  
72        0      0     2  
73        0      0     0  
74        0      0     1  
75        5      0     8  
76        0      0     0  
77        4      0     6  
78        0      0     0  
79        0      0     0  
80        0      0     t  
81        0      a     0  
82      234    235   236  
83        1      0     0  
84        1      0     0  
85        4      0     0  
86        0      0    10  
87        0      0     0  
88        0      0     0  
89        0      0     0  
90        3      0     0  
91        t      2    10  
92        t    0.5     3  
93        t    0.8     6  
94        t    3.0    24  
95        t      2    48  
96        6      2    37  
97        0    2.5    42  
98        0    0.3     3  
99        0    1.4     6  
101       0    1.9     8  
102       0    1.7    12  
103       0    1.2     7  
104       0    1.3     9  
105       0    0.9    10  
106       0    1.2    10  
107       0    0.5     5  
108       0      1     6  
109       0      1     4  
110       0    0.3     1  
111       0    1.4     7  
112       0      2     8  
113       t    0.8    21  
114       0    1.6    41  
115       0    0.2     1  
116       0    3.2    16  
117       0    1.0     9  
118       0    0.6     2  
119       0    0.9     8  
120       0    1.5     9  
121       0    3.2     7  
122       0    2.4    38  
123       0    0.5     2  
124       0    0.5     3  
125       0      t     4  
126       0    1.2     6  
127       0      1     7  
128       0    1.6    18  
129       0      1     5  
130       0      t     t  
131       0      3    22  
132       0    0.1    13  
133       0    2.2    12  
135       0    0.4    21  
136       0      1    10  
137       0      t     2  
138       0    1.4     6  
139       8      1    24  
140       0    0.5    22  
141       3    0.4    20  
142      11    0.7    28  
143       6   0.40    33  
144       7   0.40    14  
145       0   0.40    19  
146       4      t    10  
147       0    0.3     2  
148       0    1.4     8  
149       0    3.2    20  
150       0      1     3  
151       0    0.6     8  
152       0    2.6    23  
153       0      1    36  
154       5    1.5    80  
155       0      1     9  
156       0    0.6     6  
157       0    0.6    10  
158       0      t     4  
159       0    1.8     8  
160       0    1.8     9  
161       0    0.3     1  
162       0      0    34  
163       0      0     3  
164       0      1    18  
165       0      2    26  
166       0      1    57  
167       0      1    50  
168       0   0.70    14  
169       0      2    36  
170      12   1.80     6  
171       0    0.9    23  
172       0   6.60    19  
173       0      2    65  
174       0   2.20     9  
175       0      2    26  
176       0    0.8    15  
177       0    1.2   142  
178       0    3.6   134  
179       0    1.9    30  
180       0      1    22  
181       0      1    32  
182       0    0.5    50  
183       0    0.5    44  
184       t      1    14  
185       0      1    24  
186       0    0.8    16  
187       0    0.7    26  
188       0      t    42  
189       0      t    10  
190       0      t   112  
191       0      t   108  
192       9    0.8     3  
193      12      1     1  
194       t      1    16  
195       0    0.2    25  
196       t    0.4    78  
197       0    1.8    18  
198       0      1    52  
199       0    0.6    10  
200       0      2    50  
201       0      2    25  
202       0      2    20  
203       0    0.4    26  
204       0    0.7    55  
205       0    0.6    19  
206       0    0.2    32  
207       0    0.7    50  
208       0    0.2     7  
209       0    0.8    81  
210       0    0.7    45  
211       0    0.7    82  
212       0      2    25  
213       0      5    14  
214       0    1.9    98  
215       0    1.3    60  
216       0    1.9    12  
217       0      1    10  
218       0    3.6    29  
219       3      t    18  
220       0   0.10    32  
221       1   0.10    12  
222       1   0.10    12  
223      12   9.00   229  
224      10  67.50   216  
225       0   0.31    11  
226       2   0.30    15  
227       0    0.1    25  
228       0    0.2    27  
229       2    1.6    74  
230       0      t    10  
231       0      t     8  
232       0      8    22  
233       0    2.9    33  
234       0    0.3    84  
235       0    2.8    79  
236       0    0.1    32  
237      24      t    44  
238       4      t    19  
239       2    0.1    37  
240       2    4.6    26  
241       0    0.1    28  
242       0    0.1    28  
243       5      t    23  
244       2    0.5    20  
245       0      t    12  
246       0    0.6    26  
247       0    1.2   154  
248       0    0.4   142  
249       0    0.3   150  
250       0    0.1    26  
251       0    1.2    28  
252      11    0.1    23  
253       2      t    20  
254       0    0.1    20  
255       6   0.50    35  
256       3   0.50    36  
257       0   1.20    40  
258       0   0.70    23  
259       1   0.10    30  
260       3   2.50    34  
261       3   2.50    36  
262       0   0.70    25  
263       0   4.40    35  
264       4   0.60    30  
265       4   0.50    11  
266       0      0     0  
267       2      0    10  
268       8   0.50    12  
269      11   1.20    18  
270       3   0.20    13  
271       3   0.50    25  
272       6   0.50    22  
273       2      0    14  
274       0    0.5    29  
275      11   0.20    56  
276       0      0    23  
277      12    0.3    70  
278       2      t    31  
279       3    0.2    17  
280       6      t    28  
281       4      t    31  
282       2      0    22  
283       3      0    19  
284       4      0    24  
285      11    0.1    80  
286       0      0    28  
287       0      0    23  
288       6    0.2    44  
289       t      0    22  
290       4      t    17  
291       t      0    36  
292       0      0    30  
293      12     10     0  
294       0      0    48  
295       0      t    14  
296       0      0    13  
297       0      8    11  
298       0      0    13  
299      11    0.1    53  
300      11    0.1    55  
301      10      0    34  
302      10    0.1    45  
303       8   0.70    62  
304      11      8    34  
305       0      0   199  
306       0      0    12  
307       0      0   210  
308       0      0    25  
309       0      0    29  
310       9      0    42  
311      28    1.8    13  
312      31    1.8    13  
313      31      2     7  
314      28    0.9    20  
315      19      2    26  
316      17    0.9     9  
317      10    0.9     8  
318      16    1.2     9  
319      25    1.1     7  
320      13    3.1    10  
321       7    1.9    10  
322       7      1     8  
323       0      0     8  
324       0      0     t  
325       0      0     9  
326       0      0     5  
327       0      0     0  
328       0      0     0  
329       0      0    38  
330       0      0    42  
331       0      0    28  
332       0      0    35  
333       0      0     1  
334       0      0     1