MCQ Test 2020

Taking the Quiz

  • This was my sixth time taking an example MCQ test. I feel like this test had a lot more conceptual topics than the previous tests. I definitely had to guess a little (educated guesses based on what I already know). Out of the questions I got wrong, a few definitely surprised me. I didn’t have much doubt in my answers so I was surprised that I was wrong (it’s givin AP Calc)

Improvements Since First Test

  • test taking strategies
  • more familar with code
  • can take code step by step (not freak out when I see it all)
  • more familiar with many of the functions/code that are in the MCQ from this trimester
  • I was able to take this test much more quickly and with less stress/uncertainty as the final from last trimester :)


My Score: 63/67


  • Question 15:
    • This was completely my dumb mistake. I was supposed to compare output of program a and b, but I thought I remembered this question from the last test. I didn’t look at the images specifically and assumed the answer was the same. Oopsies (I won’t do that on the AP test).


  • Question 36:
    • I assumed that accuracy would be the most affected/focused on by Collegeboard. However, it now makes sense to me that best/most likey answer is that the simulation would be more efficient.


  • Question 50:
    • Once again, me and collegeboard disagree about what we consider “reasonable” runtime. I need to keep in mind that collegeboard thinks almost any runtime is reasonable.


  • Question 51:
    • This question is my bad. I need to study the different types of licenses and what each one means. This part of the AP conent is more memorization.

Improve for Next Time:

  • Next time I take a test, I want to spend more time running through questions. I could have “ran” the programs in my head to see the outputs. However, I have to be careful of time constraints to prepare for the AP test. I also need to study the topics that take more memorization.